Saturday, March 28, 2009

My versatile tomato cage

Last year, I'd purchased this redwood lattice duly spliced in three (two for me and one for Rachel) from Home Depot fully expecting that they'd see me through the next five years of pole beans and sweet peas. It turns out that San Diego's dense (not!) rainfall and perpetual humidity has over powered the resilient redwood and I expect to at best derive two growing seasons out of these immaculate works of carpentry. So, the new experiment for the year - grow pole beans on a tomato cage. I've transplanted four saplings to a cage - one for the cutworms (or whatever other magical creature that likes to eat the first four inches of a five foot tall vine), one for bad weather (or any other such natural misfortunes) and two to feed my family.

The cage is 54"H x 18" (diameter) of heavy duty galvanized steel wire, seems sufficiently sturdy to support my rigorous beans. Isn't that what I'd said about the lattice? I will report at the end of the season.
Some other time, I plan on letting sunflowers shoot some 8-10 feet into the sky and let my beans climb on them - wouldn't that be a visual delight? Hold that thought; I still don't have a way to harvest the beans regularly...
PS: Tomorrow will be a busy day - off the landfill for my square yard of mulch.

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